Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)
Edda (Iceland - 2018, edit 2020)
Edda (Iceland - 2018, edit 2020)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021) (Kopie)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021) (Kopie)
outstanding (Iceland 2020, edit 2021)
outstanding (Iceland 2020, edit 2021)
some arctic light (Lofoten, Norway - 2018, edit 2020)
some arctic light (Lofoten, Norway - 2018, edit 2020)
Lago di Limides tree (Dolomites, Italy)
Lago di Limides tree (Dolomites, Italy)
Vareid, Lofoten (Norway, 2019 - edit 2020)
Vareid, Lofoten (Norway, 2019 - edit 2020)
day´s end (Dolomites 2019 - edit 2020)
day´s end (Dolomites 2019 - edit 2020)
long road (Passo Giau, Italy)
long road (Passo Giau, Italy)
shine a light (Hintersee, Berchtesgaden Germany, 2017 - edit in 2019)
shine a light (Hintersee, Berchtesgaden Germany, 2017 - edit in 2019)
inclined (Iceland 2021)
inclined (Iceland 2021)
Winterfell (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
Winterfell (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
wings (Lofoten, Norway - 2019)
wings (Lofoten, Norway - 2019)
the king (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
the king (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
Sorija (Norway 2022)
Sorija (Norway 2022)
lost in white (Norway 2019, edit 2020)
lost in white (Norway 2019, edit 2020)
Golden morning in the arctic (Lofoten, Norway, 2018 - re-edit 2025)
Golden morning in the arctic (Lofoten, Norway, 2018 - re-edit 2025)
the peaks of glow (Lofoten, Norway)
the peaks of glow (Lofoten, Norway)
Snæfellsjökull (Iceland)
Snæfellsjökull (Iceland)
the quiet lands (Icelands 2020)
the quiet lands (Icelands 2020)
cometh (Iceland 2019, edit 2022)
cometh (Iceland 2019, edit 2022)
Snow mountain (Lofoten, Norway)
Snow mountain (Lofoten, Norway)
reflect man (Passo giau, Italy)
reflect man (Passo giau, Italy)
Seiser Hütten (Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, Italy, 2018 - edit 2019)
Seiser Hütten (Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, Italy, 2018 - edit 2019)
Seceda sunburst, Dolomites (Italy)
Seceda sunburst, Dolomites (Italy)
walkway to heaven (Pico do Arieiro, Madeira, 2018 - edit 2019)
walkway to heaven (Pico do Arieiro, Madeira, 2018 - edit 2019)
Limides (Dolomites, Italy)
Limides (Dolomites, Italy)
Mt. Rain (Italy 2017)
Mt. Rain (Italy 2017)
Beinisvørd (Faroe Islands)
Beinisvørd (Faroe Islands)
the depth
the depth
Drei Zinnen starry sunrise, Dolomites (Italy)
Drei Zinnen starry sunrise, Dolomites (Italy)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)a soft glow in the arctic morning
Depth (Italy 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)layers upon layers in the Dolomites
Edda (Iceland - 2018, edit 2020)
Edda (Iceland - 2018, edit 2020)A moment like from the sagas: dark clouds, some light, dramatic peaks which are covered in snow and the birds circling for prey.
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021) (Kopie)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021) (Kopie)dramatic sunset in the Icelandic highlands
outstanding (Iceland 2020, edit 2021)
outstanding (Iceland 2020, edit 2021)A short lived and fragile moment in the Icelandic highlands
some arctic light (Lofoten, Norway - 2018, edit 2020)
some arctic light (Lofoten, Norway - 2018, edit 2020) the light was amazing and so is the place. Lofoten at its best. And what I really like about this image: a clear sky that does not distract from the scene.
Lago di Limides tree (Dolomites, Italy)
Lago di Limides tree (Dolomites, Italy) One of the best nights I had photographing in 2018. Everything just fell into place: the spot just breathtaking and the light and clouds perfect.
Vareid, Lofoten (Norway, 2019 - edit 2020)
Vareid, Lofoten (Norway, 2019 - edit 2020)a stunning morning at Lofoten
day´s end (Dolomites 2019 - edit 2020)
day´s end (Dolomites 2019 - edit 2020)The sun had set and the soft afterglow of the Alps lit up the twilight.
long road (Passo Giau, Italy)
long road (Passo Giau, Italy)The Dolomites offer many breathtaking perspectives. This one taken with the drone.
shine a light (Hintersee, Berchtesgaden Germany, 2017 - edit in 2019)
shine a light (Hintersee, Berchtesgaden Germany, 2017 - edit in 2019)One of my very favorite spots in Germany: this beautiful lake just in front pg mountain Watzmann. When the sun kissed the place awake…well, no words needed.
inclined (Iceland 2021)
inclined (Iceland 2021)
Winterfell (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
Winterfell (Vestrahorn, Iceland)such a stunning place. Black sand beach with some fresh snow layer and cold peaks covered with clouds.
wings (Lofoten, Norway - 2019)
wings (Lofoten, Norway - 2019)there’s hope and there’s dark.
the king (Vestrahorn, Iceland)
the king (Vestrahorn, Iceland)this place holds so much beauty to me, no matter how the conditions. Majestic how the peaks stand the waves and the cold of the arctic.
Sorija (Norway 2022)
Sorija (Norway 2022)soft cold and frosty harsh
lost in white (Norway 2019, edit 2020)
lost in white (Norway 2019, edit 2020)an image lost in the archive. Gladly I found it again and share it on my homepage.
Golden morning in the arctic (Lofoten, Norway, 2018 - re-edit 2025)
Golden morning in the arctic (Lofoten, Norway, 2018 - re-edit 2025)this arctic landscape offers plenty of compositional possibilities. all you need is to keep your eyes open. …and some luck with beautiful morning light.
the peaks of glow (Lofoten, Norway)
the peaks of glow (Lofoten, Norway)
Snæfellsjökull (Iceland)
Snæfellsjökull (Iceland)This volcano has a long and fabled story. Jules Verne made his group of explorers enter the center of the earth by climbing down the volcano. I resisted doing likewise.
the quiet lands (Icelands 2020)
the quiet lands (Icelands 2020)dark and moody: the highlands of Iceland
cometh (Iceland 2019, edit 2022)
cometh (Iceland 2019, edit 2022)
Snow mountain (Lofoten, Norway)
Snow mountain (Lofoten, Norway)The sun shines softly upon the peaks of the Lofoten mountains while the wind blows off fresh snow. I really like these scenes captured in minimalistic shots.
reflect man (Passo giau, Italy)
reflect man (Passo giau, Italy)it was a beautiful morning at a rather unknown spot facing the impressive Ra Gisela. I waited for the alpenglow to set the peaks on fire and simply enjoyed the moment when it did.
Seiser Hütten (Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, Italy, 2018 - edit 2019)
Seiser Hütten (Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, Italy, 2018 - edit 2019)There are places unparalleled with beauty. Seiser Alm is one of them. Especially in morning light like this.
Seceda sunburst, Dolomites (Italy)
Seceda sunburst, Dolomites (Italy)It was tough to get up there from the hut we stayed the night at. But it was all worth it. This pano is a great memory of an unforgettable and very cold sunrise. 
walkway to heaven (Pico do Arieiro, Madeira, 2018 - edit 2019)
walkway to heaven (Pico do Arieiro, Madeira, 2018 - edit 2019)Above the clouds andvlooking at the peaks of Madeira, Portugal. Can it get any better? Yeah, probably, when the sun kisses the day goodbye.
Limides (Dolomites, Italy)
Limides (Dolomites, Italy)a beautiful evening and some unforgettable Alpenglow at the small lake Lago di Limides in the Dolomites.
Mt. Rain (Italy 2017)
Mt. Rain (Italy 2017)While I was waiting to photograph the sunset at Seceda I noticed dramatic rain clouds come in and soak the mountain in the valley below. Through cracks in the clouds the sun came through providing some warm, yet dramatic light. 
Beinisvørd (Faroe Islands)
Beinisvørd (Faroe Islands)just a meter away from a sure drop to death I saw the weather change in the distance above this amazing coastline.
the depth
the depthMy buddy Mads-Peter Iversen provides some human element to the breathtaking view at Dragarnir, Faroe Islands. A wonderful hike that will never be forgotten.
Drei Zinnen starry sunrise, Dolomites (Italy)
Drei Zinnen starry sunrise, Dolomites (Italy)One of the most unforgettable sunrises I have ever witnessed. In front of the majestic peaks of Drei Zinnen with the last stars of the night twinkling in the sky.
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