escape (Iceland)
escape (Iceland)
leadlighting (Iceland 2020)
leadlighting (Iceland 2020)
life stream (Iceland. 2019)
life stream (Iceland. 2019)
come on in (Tenerife)
come on in (Tenerife)
the green hill (Germany, 2020)
the green hill (Germany, 2020)
come to life (Madeira 2024)
come to life (Madeira 2024)
leadlighting 2
leadlighting 2
Dulcie (Germany, 2021)
Dulcie (Germany, 2021)
neon scars (Iceland 2021 - edit 2022)
neon scars (Iceland 2021 - edit 2022)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)
river curtain
river curtain
intertwined (Iceland 2020 - edit 2021)
intertwined (Iceland 2020 - edit 2021)
thought behaviour  (Spain 2022)
thought behaviour (Spain 2022)
winter gestalt (Harz, Germany 2020)
winter gestalt (Harz, Germany 2020)
rippling soil (Landmannalaugar, Iceland - 2019, edit 2020)
rippling soil (Landmannalaugar, Iceland - 2019, edit 2020)
the claw (Switzerland 2021)
the claw (Switzerland 2021)
fire water (Iceland 2020)
fire water (Iceland 2020)
in reds  (Spain 2022)
in reds (Spain 2022)
lava skin (Iceland)
lava skin (Iceland)
river birds (Iceland)
river birds (Iceland)
Tim Burton (Fanal, Madeira, Portugal)
Tim Burton (Fanal, Madeira, Portugal)
a million dreams (Tenerife 2019)
a million dreams (Tenerife 2019)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021)
in hiding (Germany 2021)
in hiding (Germany 2021)
on Mars (Iceland)
on Mars (Iceland)
patina (Iceland 2020)
patina (Iceland 2020)
strewn to pieces (Iceland, 2019 - edit 2020)
strewn to pieces (Iceland, 2019 - edit 2020)
winter bliss (Harz, Germany)
winter bliss (Harz, Germany)
escape (Iceland)
escape (Iceland)one of the many waterfalls (this one a rather hidden one) providing the otherworldly atmosphere I love in Iceland.
leadlighting (Iceland 2020)
leadlighting (Iceland 2020)like a church window: cracked mud of a dried up lake in Iceland
life stream (Iceland. 2019)
life stream (Iceland. 2019)The highlands of Iceland are a fantastic place, especially the unique mountains and valleys of Landmannalaugar. I took my chances to photograph this wonderful natural wonder from a plane. This image won the international landscape photograph of the year award 2020.
come on in (Tenerife)
come on in (Tenerife)a spooky forest in the mountains of Tenerife. Perfect cover for a movie, no?
the green hill (Germany, 2020)
the green hill (Germany, 2020)panorama of a beautiful old forest in the heart of Germany
come to life (Madeira 2024)
come to life (Madeira 2024)As if they started moving and whispering to each other.
leadlighting 2
leadlighting 2 mud cracks like church windows
Dulcie (Germany, 2021)
Dulcie (Germany, 2021) a winter moment right outside my home
neon scars (Iceland 2021 - edit 2022)
neon scars (Iceland 2021 - edit 2022) a close up of a volcano. Would you think?
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021)
Arctic pastels (Iceland 2021) a soft glow in the arctic morning
Depth (Italy 2021)
Depth (Italy 2021)layers upon layers in the Dolomites
river curtain
river curtainthe water flows like through the volcanic soil of Iceland. Looking like a web or veins from high above photographed from a small Cessna.
intertwined (Iceland 2020 - edit 2021)
intertwined (Iceland 2020 - edit 2021) natural grace of a winding river- Drone image
thought behaviour  (Spain 2022)
thought behaviour (Spain 2022) it is what you think it is
winter gestalt (Harz, Germany 2020)
winter gestalt (Harz, Germany 2020) a winter dream and the forming of a new element
rippling soil (Landmannalaugar, Iceland - 2019, edit 2020)
rippling soil (Landmannalaugar, Iceland - 2019, edit 2020)what a landscape: colourful rhyolite mountains that look like smooth waves. Taken from aboard a Cessna.
the claw (Switzerland 2021)
the claw (Switzerland 2021) just a branch guarding the passing water. Or is it a claw scratching the surface?
fire water (Iceland 2020)
fire water (Iceland 2020) an unusual color palette. not often to be found outside.
in reds  (Spain 2022)
in reds (Spain 2022)part of my in reds series
lava skin (Iceland)
lava skin (Iceland)What looks like a painting is a river bed In Iceland in late evening light. Taken from aboard a plane.
river birds (Iceland)
river birds (Iceland)swans in formation above one of the colorful rivers of Iceland
Tim Burton (Fanal, Madeira, Portugal)
Tim Burton (Fanal, Madeira, Portugal)The conditions are ever changing at the great place in the Fanal area at Madeira, Portugal. With clouds coming in at this altitude of above 1.000 m it allows for play with light and the amazing trees which are many hundreds of years old and show the wear and tear of nature. This image might look heavily processed but isn't, simply because the moment itself provided so much mood and drama. Reminding me on Tim Burton movies and making this the fitting name for this image.
a million dreams (Tenerife 2019)
a million dreams (Tenerife 2019)I have never seen the milky way any brighter than that night. Simply spectacular.
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021)
long to be (Iceland, 2020 - edit 2021)dramatic sunset in the Icelandic highlands
in hiding (Germany 2021)
in hiding (Germany 2021) early morning fog at a local woodland
on Mars (Iceland)
on Mars (Iceland)craters in a sinister surrounding
patina (Iceland 2020)
patina (Iceland 2020) a drone image of a dried out river bed in a geothermal area
strewn to pieces (Iceland, 2019 - edit 2020)
strewn to pieces (Iceland, 2019 - edit 2020)patches of land glow in the late summer sun inside an Icelandic river
winter bliss (Harz, Germany)
winter bliss (Harz, Germany)a stunning sunset in a winter wonderland
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